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Christian T. Howell Sr.

A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Apostle Christian T. Howell, Sr. is the son of Dr. (Rev) Jimmie L. Howell Sr. and Benita A. Howell. Three of their four sons are currently in the ministry. Christian is the second oldest of four brothers and has one younger sister. He parents 6 children and 3 grandchildren. 

Christian was brought up in the "church” under his father's leadership, but didn’t truly accept the Lord into his life until after joining the U.S. Army in 1992. It was at this time that he came to the realization that GOD had a calling on his life. Christian is blessed with many different musical/ teaching talents and gifts. As a child, he often felt flooded by being so gifted and constantly being called on to deliver. Upon accepting Christ, he realized that all of his gifts were actual tools that GOD had equipped him with to serve his purpose in life, and that is to bring people into the Kingdom.

Christian has served in numerous positions in various churches and organizations. From musician and minister of music to Education Coordinator, Pastor, and Apostle. He's known for his ability to “Serve with Excellence”. Apostle Howell is passionate about training, teaching and equipping saints. He's gifted to unlock and open the truth of God’s Word – and present it with amazing clarity that empowers nonbelievers and believers to receive the WORD and apply it to their lives. Apostle Chris also has a distinct calling for therapy, counseling, and coaching. He has been gifted with the ability to allow saints to identify spiritual shortcomings and develop and implement a divine plan of attack against the enemy. He is truly patient and understanding when it comes to not accepting defeat. He gives his all to any situation and listens for GOD's direction for his next move. He is a firm believer that it is never too late to serve the Lord until you’re in the grave. His number one goal in life is to make the nonbeliever a believer and to help equip and train all for service.

Christian Howell is the founder of Overcomers, a movement that teaches, trains, connects, equips and empowers believers to recover all and conquer conflicts with the enemy (devil, world & flesh).

He has proudly served, and retired, from the U.S. Army for over 20 years. He is the senior leader of Overcomers Movement, is the founder and president of Overcomers Institute. He is a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member - DISC Consultant, Board Certified Advanced Life Coach, Board Certified Master Mental Health Coach, Certified Cognitive Behavioral Coach, and a Biblical Cognitive Behavioral Therapist. He is connected and serves in many other organizations and capacities across the globe.


Christian's mission is simple - to develop, equip, and deploy whole leaders across the globe. 

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